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Changes coming to Benalmadena

By | 23 August, 2018 | 0 comments

Puerto Marina, Benalmadena

The Costa del Sol has been home to countless wonderful holiday experiences creating memories to treasure thanks to the huge variety of amazing activities available to visitors in those scorching summer months. With the summer in full swing, Benalmadena really comes into its own as a holiday destination. Here on your holiday in Benalmadena visitors will be able to explore this wonderful town, which boasts that Andalucian character you want from a trip to southern Spain as well as unrivalled beaches, delicious local delicacies, friendly and welcoming locals and the charming MAC Puerto Marina Hotel that will soon be adding more to the fantastic amenities already available for our loyal clientele.

Benalmadena has had a fascinatingly checkered past and varied fortune. It was once under Arab rule until in the 15th century the Christians destroyed the Muslim Fortress which had once protected the town from invasion and pirates. In the 18th century the town would be commercially boosted by an Italian entrepreneur called Felix Solesio after it had been previously wiped out by an earthquake and tsunami. As the town began to repopulate the labyrinth of narrow streets which can be found in the picturesque old town began to expand to what we are left with today.

Located 250 metres above sea level the town is separated into two parts, the second of which is the port area, which is home to MAC Hotels and our MAC Puerto Marina Hotel. This area is near to some of the best beaches and nightlife in Benalmadena which is enjoyed to its fullest during the peak summer months. However there are also things to look forward to after the summer ends. Here at MAC Hotels we have some exciting news about changes happening at our 4-star hotel in Benalmadena.

From the 01/12/2018 to 31/01/2019 the hotel will be closed as we undergo refurbishments! You can expect to see lots of improvements at the hotel, which most notably includes the introduction of a Spa area which will include a steam bath, a sauna, a heated swimming pool and 3 double shower cubicles with washbasins. So with all these improvements and even more to look forward to there is no reason not to plan your 2019 holiday. What’s more, we never like to inconvenience our loyal guests and that’s why for those who usually plan a visit during the upcoming period of closure, we suggest you get in touch with our friendly staff and you can expect to enjoy a discount for stays between February and April. We hope you’ll appreciate our continuous aim to improve our service and your experience. So get ready to enjoy an unforgettable holiday at your hotel in Benalmadena. We think you’ll love it!

Categories: Mac Puerto Marina Benalmádena

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