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What changes can you look forward to in 2019 with MAC Hotels

By | 19 January, 2019 | 0 comments

Puerto Marina Hotel

Here at the Hotel MAC Puerto Marina we cannot wait to open our doors once more to the public. After being closed during the Christmas and New Year period we will be returning to business as normal on the 1st of February but with some new and exciting changes and improvements designed to ensure your holiday in Benalmadena is unforgettable.

Although many of you may still be still be tightening the purse strings after what tends to be an expensive time of the year we believe that there is no better time to cure those winter blues by booking your 2019 holiday with MAC Hotels. Here on the Costa del Sol you can expect warm weather, good food and excellent accommodation with a dedicated and friendly staff and if you book now you will receive an incredible 15% early booking discount. So why wait!? Book your Holiday today and enjoy a range of winter plans and activities in Benalmadena.

With your hotel in Benalmadena booked you can look forward to being one of the first to experience the brand new Spa Facility. This state of the art Spa offers guests a world of relaxation with a heated pool which is perfect during those winter months and 3 massage rooms where guests enjoy a range of stress relieving treatments carried out by our experts. Finally our facilities include a brand new sauna and steam bath, meaning you are certain to return home feeling refreshed and ready to face what the new year will bring.

Other changes that are taking place at the Hotel MAC Puerto Marina Hotel include the opening of a new gym on the first floor next to the hairdresser so you can easily stick to your fitness resolutions. There are also 4 new Balinese beds by the pool to help you relax and the comfortable addition of kettles in each and every room, meaning you can wake up to coffee or enjoy a relaxing tea before bed. These are just some of the inspiring changes we’ve made to ensure that you enjoy your stay with us in Benalmadena.

If you are yet to experience the charm of Andalucia or you simply cannot wait to return to a part of Spain that boasts a special something then book your flights, start packing your bags and look forward to a stay at our newly reformed 4-star hotel in Benalmadena, near Malaga.

Categories: Facilities, spa


  1. Schneider, Hans Joachim says:

    Hallo, wir haben vom 25.03. bis 28.03.2019 2 Doppelzimmer über Aurum Tours gebucht. Nun möchte ich gerne wissen, ob Fitnesssaal und beheizter Pool mit Zusatzkosten verbunden sind. Da wir mit einem Auto anreisen, wüsste ich gerne, ob die Buchung eines Parkplatzes erforderlich ist. Ich warte gespannt auf Ihre Antwort. Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf die Tage im Mac. Mit freundlichen Grüßen J. Schneider

    • Mac Hotels says:

      Sehr geehrter Herr Schneider,

      Alls erstes möchten wir uns bei Ihnen bedanken für Ihre Reservierung in unserem hotel.

      Unser Wellnessbereich (Pool, Sauna und Dampfbad) und der Fitnesssaal sind kostenlos. Unsere Garage ist leider nicht buchbar im vorraus, der Preis per Tag ist 10€. Bei Ankunft müssen Sie an der Rezeption fragen ob es Plätze gibt, aber jetz im moment gibt es genung Plätze verfügbar.

      Wir hoffen das Sie einen angenehmen Urlaub mit uns verbringen werden und wünschen Ihnen eine guten Flug.

      Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

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